
    • Manufactured by: unknown, generic
    • Country of origin: China
    • Manufactured since: 2006 – present
    • Price: $1.6 – $4 per IU
    • Source: 5kits

Getropin is another generic HGH of unknown origin. It started as just another made up name which due to solid reviews became popular and is still around today. There are two different groups claiming to be the “manufacturer” of Getropin. Each of them claims that the other “manufacturer” is fake.

This brand was initially available on the UK black market but has since spread world wide.

Mixed reviews

Users have reported mixed results, some claiming that it was a valid HGH of high quality while others reported painful red welts around injection spots. The cause of red welts might either be 192 amino acid sequence HGH mimic or low purity somatropin containing above normal amounts of bacterial residue. Both can lead to serious health complications.


Based on overall good reviews Getropin is most likely a high quality generic made by a proper GMP Chinese lab who chose to sell it underground to avoid the legality issues while making extra income.

It is possible that other Chinese labs have jumped to the opportunity and are selling their own somatropin labeled as Getropin. Depending on the source one might get good or bad batches.

Getropin review

  • Availability
  • Reputability
  • Purity
  • Price
  • Cost Effectiveness